What Unity can do

Hello. I’ve been thinking of starting a new game project, and I was wondering if Unity was a good fit. I’ve almost finished a game in Game Maker, and I was thinking about my next game.
I have half a semester of C programming (in the middle of it), over a year with Game Maker’s built-in pseudo-C, and some previous experience with C++ and Basic. I haven’t done work with 3D modeling. I have taken a look at the Source SDK and made a map with it as a model for an engineering project.
The game I want to make is a simple FPS based on the 1956 Hungarian revolution. It would feature 2-4 maps where a few guerrilla fighters (one human-controlled, the others AI) would face off against waves of Soviet troops. Setting it in 3D would allow for sewer movement, vertical lines of fire, and more exploration.
In addition to the basics that any FPS needs, the game would need decent AI (about on the level of a basic stealth game- capable of finding a target in an urban environment with basic planning abilities). I am very willing to learn about AI.
Given all the above constraints, is it reasonable to think it possible to use Unity to make a game in around 6 months? If not, I can stick with GM8, but Unity would be better both educationally and in terms of gameplay.
Thanks for taking time to help.

This is discussed in this topic. http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/124681-Unity-3d-and-Visual3d.NET.

Everyone is moving to Visual3d.NET. All the Unity 3d is for forum support and community is trolling, harassment, and I garrentee that this topic is getting trolls, or some insults thrown around having nothing to do with your OPs’. That is what to expect with Unity 3d, at Visual3d.NET not a lot of people post there, but at least its not fake users just posting nonsense making you think something is actually going on.

If you only know C Lang, you prol want Unity 3d and not Visual3d.NET as Visual3d.NET is .NET Framework even though you can do programming in C Lang etc…

Unity 3d Engine is a great engine, polished, lots of scripts and tutorials, you can make any game here, just the forums, people dont really get support here, and are not friendly. If you post a topic most likely it gets trolled. Just check all the closed topics in Gossip, and Collaboration, and the lack of people posting in the Scripting Forums, also the insulting posts in the Gallery Forum, and Asset Store area. The forums are mostly only great for selling assets, and showing of WIP. I actually post free effects, do logos for free for a lot of people on here, models, content, and all I get for posts are people saying insults etc., no posts saying ty downloaded it like that and game topics.

OK, thanks. I’ll repost there.
EDIT: Still interested in Unity help, just in case Visual3d doesn’t work. And I don’t want arguments thrown around as to which is better, just tell me if you think I can make it work with Unity.

It’s definitely possible with a programmer that knows Unity well.
If you’re just starting out with 3D programming, I’m unsure. It’s also not clear what quality you’re aiming for.

Try out the third person soldier shooter demo, look through it, and see if it’ll give you an idea of the kind of code you’ll need to write.

It is very possible, it all depends on your programming skills though. Free unity is free, so why not try it?

I’m not looking to sell this one. It’s for use for friends, free distribution, learning experience, and part of a portfolio.
Big questions: can it handle the AI and how long will the 3d work take?
Thanks for all of your help.

The AI can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. It’s much more complicated in your case than a run n gun style AI.

Modeling time? Depends on your skill and time. If you’re a kid, studies will take up a bunch of time, I think. What software you use matters too. Maya is the industry choice, but quite expensive.