What version of Unity ACTUALLY runs on MacOS?

I’m currently using the 2021.15.1f LTS version and I can’t get anywhere… It laggs out and takes ridiculous amounts of time to do simple tasks… Like merging or deleting faces… Takes upwards of 15 minutes to process sometimes and that is just sad… Im using the apple M1 after the Ventura update and its nothing but a headache, the 2022.2 version is even worse. I’ve done pretty much all my work in the 2021 LTS versions and I use the playMaker visual scripting asset, so just switching over to the 2020.3.42f1 is kind of a problem for me… since playMaker doesn’t seem to work on anything prior to 2021.2 even though it says 2018.4.0 or higher on the asset store. When looking on the Huutong website I can’t find a version of playMaker thats compatible with the 2020.3.42.f1 version… I’m at a loss right now… I haven’t been able to get anything accomplished for the last month because I’ve had NOTHING but lagg issue after lagg issue. Is there anything I can do, or am I at the mercy of Unity Devs giving a flying f***? Because I feel like us Mac users just get ignored.

Honestly… If I were a part of a team right now, I feel like I would be out of a job because of all the issues related to Mac. Why does it seem Unity never finishes a project before starting another version? Make the previous version actually work for everyone before making another one.