Please don’t ask me to google a games name for you as it only takes a few seconds to get a link to the trailer/screenshots that show off the game I am talking about.
Or don’t make it easier for people to see what good taste you have in game design.
Looking forward to AI Wars II. I’m assuming its going to be made in Unity, the last one was.
I am really looking forward to Tokyo 42. It reminds me a bit of Syndicate and this one Amiga 1200 game I never got to play, because I had a 500+. Pure nostalgia!
Ghost of a Tale
(out in EA - but not complete yet)
Hidden Folks
Dang, thanks for the reminder. I forgot how much I wanted this game.
I had the amiga 500 and was able to play Syndicate. Maybe cause I had the expansion?
Loved that game and thought exactly the same when I saw the trailer of Tokyo 42, although I must say I prefer the mood of Syndicate.
Forget that, I misread your message.
I’m looking forward to a game that should be released in a few months but it is not made in Unity. How are you finding specific games in development with Unity… from checking all of the posts in the Works In Progress forum?
I find the WIP forum a complete nightmare for actually finding Unity projects as it’s always so cluttered with Asset Store projects. Usually I find stuff on TIGSource or the Unity Reddit, though the latter is still a bit of a mess to deal with as far as finding complete games is concerned.
Yeah the problem with the WIP I think is 1) it is a mixture of everything being done in Unity from graphics packs, to scripting assets to games to whatever and 2) many of the “games” there seem to have nothing but just screenshots of the assets being made like there actually isn’t any “game” at all yet. Which I guess could be the case many times.
TIG is good. I used to visit it quite often. Haven’t been there in about a month or so.
I guess I will cast my vote for @Billy4184 's Mobile Space Combat Game (I am sure that is a working title only). His game is progressing quickly, looks superb and “feels” good in the web demo. And from his various posts around here I know he wants to make something special even though this will be a very small scope game.
I believe you or one of your colleagues pointed out Hidden Folks initially. Really intriguing!
Eitr most likely won’t get as much media attention as it deserves, it’s doesn’t have an alt ‘social’ value agenda or message which a lot of games seem to get overhyped coverage from, but for the more hardcore crowd I think it will be well received.
Another indie Unity offering I’m looking forward to is Somerville, though unknown if it will be out this year.
This game looks so sweet. I’ve got my eye on the game for a while already and I’m really excited that it comes to Xbox One! Can hardly wait to run around with that little mouse
The Ghost of a Tale blog is also interesting, he is posting Unity related development things from time to time.
How the heck did “Escape from Tarkov” not make it in here?
It’s only in alpha stages right now.
shooter - meh.
Really though - extremely impressed with there attention to detail on every aspect of weapons and animations. Unfortunately I don’t think the general gamer public will see past - “hey look another hi-fi shooter, meh I’m gonna go play CoD”.
Hopefully I’m wrong and its received well.
it depends on the audience it is trying to get, should do well with the audience that wants Stalker + DayZ in one game. But on top of that shooters is very hard market to break into, since not much ever changes in this genre and it has all been done before.