What will InputSystem.InputControl.name return for keys "Insert", "PrintScreen" and "Pause"?

My keyboard does not have the keys for Insert, PrintScreen and Pause/Break.
However, in my project, I need their InputControl.name values to proceed.

Can anyone give me a result of what they return?

The ‘InputControl.name’ values for the mentioned keys are standard and consistent in Unity3D. Here are the results of what they return:

“Insert”: The ‘InputControl.name’ value for the “Insert” key is “Insert.”

“PrintScreen”: The ‘InputControl.name’ value for the “PrintScreen” key is “PrintScreen.”

“Pause/Break”: The ‘InputControl.name’ value for the “Pause/Break” key is “Pause.”

Regardless of the physical layout of your keyboard, these ‘InputControl.name’ values will remain the same in Unity3D, allowing you to use them in your project to handle the corresponding key inputs.