What would be the best name / use for the parent of this subforum?

Primarily a response to replies to this thread .
Other suggestions would be nice.

The existing subforums that I’m taking into account are:

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To me it would make sense, having full name
Data Oriented Tech Stack for the forum section**.**
Leaving existing jobs and burst sub forums where they are now and creating new, would introduce mess, as people would be posting all over the place. So for me, they should be kept in one forum section. In this case DOTS, to keep consistency.
Plus no need to add Unity post / pre - fixes.

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DOTS has become nondescript technobabble. DOTS is not even a monolithic stack. DOTS was a marketing term that has since become obsolete as ECS and Jobs matured, each gaining use cases and diverging in segmentation.

The types of problems and the architecture used by ECS and Jobs are heterogeneous. Jobs are often used with MonoBehaviour to multithread small parts of a code base. The types of jobs ECS uses are also different. In the end, Jobs effectively became part of the MonoBehaviour ecosystem.

Using the term DOTS gives users a false impression of how easy adopting ECS will be. It would be best if new users came into the situation realizing that ECS involves a complete architectural change instead of adding a few jobs to their code. A programmer can learn the Job System in a day or two. On the other hand, learning ECS takes at least a month and, more likely several months.