What would be your approach to having random categories and each category having more elements?

I am creating a drinking game, with different question types, such as “normal questions”, “rule”, “chugging” and so on.

What I did is I created a list, for example:

List<int> listOfQuestions = new List<int> { 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };

where 1s would be normal questions and if 1 was selected, it would pull out a random question out of a string list containing questions specified for “normal questions”, 2s would be rules and 3s would be chugging. Numbers are chosen randomly after each click on the screen and therefore a question resembling that category would appear. I was wondering if there is a better way to do this because as im getting close to finishing the game it feels like this method is too clunky?

I think I understand what you want. Here is what I would do

Create a new class of Question

public class Question
    public string description;
    public int type;

I would create a list of that Question class

public List<Question> questions = new List<Question>();

Populate that list however you want, personally I would use a CSV in resources so I could edit the CSV and the questions would be updated.

To select a random question I would write a function to return a random question based on the type needed. Using Linq to get a question (Note you’ll need using System.Linq;)

public Question GetQuestion(int type)
    List<Question> tempList = (from x in questions where x.type == type select x).ToList();
    return tempList[Random.Range(0, tempList.Count)];

There are a number of benefits to using this, it moves the questions into a external file for easier management, it allows you to add new fields to a question without a clunky string. It also allows for language translation in the external file if you wanted to take the game to other countries.

As an example for expansion I added the ASKED flag.

public class Question
    public string description;
    public int type;
    public bool asked = false;

Using the new asked bool you can return questions that haven’t yet been asked

List<Question> tempList = (from x in questions where x.type == type && !x.asked select x).ToList();

Its worth noting that that could lead to a list without a selection question due to all questions could have been asked, so you will have to make sure you handle that situation

Something like this, when all questions have been asked I reset all questions of that type

public Question GetQuestion(int type)
        List<Question> tempList = (from x in questions where x.type == type &&!x.asked select x).ToList();

        if(tempList.Count == 0)
            tempList = (from x in questions where x.type == type && !x.asked select x).ToList();

        Question selectedQuestion = tempList[Random.Range(0, tempList.Count)];
        selectedQuestion.asked = true;

        return selectedQuestion;

    public void ResetAllQuestions(int type)
        foreach (var question in (from x in questions where x.type== type select x).ToList())
            question.asked = false;

Hope that helps? I haven’t tested any of this but should work