What would It take to make a game like this?

I am a beginner programmer, I have recently started going to school for programing with Microsoft Visual C# and I have been viewing Unity projects and I’ve made a few very basic versions of games like a Flight simulation, and a tank fighting simulation. (Just for the fun and experience) I was wondering how would I create a game like the one in the image I have attached.

I am not asking for all of the code or an overly detailed explaination, etc. I am wondering what would I need to learn (Besides networking, server, etc, I am wanting to create a single player version.)

What kind of game is this? Obviously it’s 2D. (Was wondering if this is considered FLASH) Would I need a specific camera? eg; Orthographical/perspective.

How would I create the images? (As in, I don’t believe these are 3d models… so what are they? How would I make the world map/ground. How would I make the players/animations. I am assuming this is completely different than creating a 3D game.

I’ve been using blender (I am pretty familiar with blender), Do I need different software?

I can figure out all of the coding, like the GUI(For the most part), and the player interaction with objects, enemy’s, NPC’s, etc. I just need to know how to make all of the assets, and how to put them together

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could answer some of these questions (Or just sum it up.) Or give me a link to the recourses where I could do some research.

Sorry If my questions are far from straight forward. I am not really sure how else to ask.

Link to Example Image

Thank you for your time,

  1. Flash is not a type of game, but a web application platform. You could make it in flash, but plz, NEVER!!! It looks very much like an Orthographics Camera and it’s in 3d not 2d
  2. SInce I assume thst is is 3d I suggest Blender, but if it is 2d, I suggest Gimp and IncScape, both powerfull image creation programms.
  3. Blender is awesome, but you can’t create images in blender (unless rendered)
  4. You put assets together in the way you deem fit, there is not set way that you put things in folders???

Hope this at least clears some things up,

PS: If anyone has any more suggestions, feel free to edit this answer