quite a simple question. With the unity pro version for students it says, you are not allowed to use it for anything commercial. So if i use it to create a demo for a package i’m selling on the asset store, would that already be commercial?
Okay. Still, would this include a published demo?
Because, the idea is simple. A demo doesn’t earn me anything but in the long run will hopefully make people buy my package. But yeah…
Yeah I think webplayer stuff / non commercial stuff / non commercial exe. Anything your average student would do within reason If you’re a student of course.
A webplayer can be added to this forum or my site or anywhere else and it will increase publicity for me and could increase traffic to my site earning me money in advertisement, sales of other goods etc. Is that considered commercial or personal use?
Also, what about game portals like Kongregate? That’s commercial use, right?
Sorry for being pedantic about this, but I’m technically still a student and Pro for 80 euros a year wouldn’t suck.
I will probably never sell a game made with Unity, but I do intend to make playable games hosted on my personal website which may contain advertisement at some point.
Well, my thoughts on that. On Kongregate you get a revenue, so yes it’s commercial. If you put a webplayer on a page and you have your own ads on it, you’ll get money from it as well. So that would probably be the same, because both will give you money directly.
Question again though, what about the webplayer that won’t earn you money directly (through ads or whatever), but of course increases publicity etc. (as you mentioned) and through that will probably earn you some money, but indirectly.