What’s the best use of Unity 3d and Unity Reader that people have seen on websites around the internet? Have you seen a virtual 3d store where people can ‘browse’ for books or clothing? How about architects? Do they show their work in 3d? Sculptors? Anybody?
I’m just curious how much it’s caught on. It will take a while before it reaches a tipping point where people install the Unity Reader like they install the Flash Reader, or Quicktime, or Java, but some people are using it.
If you’ve seen Unity out there on commercial web sites, post a link. I’m curious as to how far Unity has made it into the market.
Wow! Over a hundred views and nobody has seen any web sites using Unity?! That ain’t good…
I think nobody’s replied because it’s a pretty easily discoverable answer. Start with Made With Unity | Unity
In the showcase portion of this forum, you’ll see plenty of Work-In-Progress demos and finished projects.
Most Unity applications on the web are games. They’re either hosted on individuals websites, or portals (Wooglie, Blurst, now Kongregate).
Some people are working on shopping systems, but I don’t think anyone has published anything, nor do I really believe that the web will really embrace that type of ecommerce.
I know a few people have done some great looking showroom scenes (again, it’s all in showcase portion of the forum).
I think Unity has it’s purposes in presenting specific web content, but it won’t be used for mass web use for the same reason why Flash websites are (currently) looked down upon. Unity will continue to grow in the specific uses of delivering 3d models, scene demos, etc, and of course, games, but aside from that I doubt you’ll see too much penetration.
I didn’t mean sample games, I meant commercial web sites where people use Unity to show off their products like Danielle does here:
Or perhaps an online bookstore where you can walk around a virtual store and browse the shelves. Or a furniture store where you can move couches around to design your room. The possibilities are endless so I’m wondering if anyone’s actually doing it yet.
there are no pure unity focused pages nor a large “collection page”
There are dozens if not hundreds of pages that have unity webplayers on them, there are several facebook games done with unity for example and all alike.
As for companies and alike using Unity for their shop virtualization: doubt there is any company doing that.
Unity development on windows became available march this year and the fact is that most of those companies didn’t have a that great year and definitely won’t fork out grands to tens of grands into such a system.
Such a “sims for the poor” system with all the asset bundles to load in new furniture and all the modelling required to have it in is by far no small undertaking especially if it is meant to be that intuitive that it is idiot proof. (which is a requirement, otherwise you confuse or piss them and lose them actually before they entered your store and that with a method that cost you a lot of good money …)
Architects are likely something else but they won’t put it onto a website, they would use it for direct customer presentation.