I log on daily to my life on board the spaceship LEGA-C in real time. It is in real time set in space to real scale. This space ship holds 40,000 people if not more but a set number. If you die in game or are don’t log on in 7 days your removed allowing the next in line to board the ship. I work a real job on this ship like a fighter pilot…after train and qualification but in essence there is no one to fight…yet…You eat on board with money you make as well as berthing. You hang out with friends and sooner or later new family.
I want to be able to suit up in a space suit and go outside the ship. Also and where this all stemmed from is the ability to move in space with others in real time using a metal shaped egg upon purchasing it. The egg in hand allows you to move it back and forth propelling you through space. After 10 minutes of doing this one can reach speeds just short of the speed of light. To stop or reverse you have to turn around and do the same exact thing. The ships mission in real time is to circumference around all the planets.
Lol…so what do I need using Unity3d to make this happen…Everything? I will learn how and also attempt to get NASA involved for money and a large scale real space adventure…
This multiplayer 3d game will need all kinds of different jobs. From farming to engineers to teachers etc…I can imagine that would be overkill but it is still a closed community in realtime. If I log on at 2 in the morning earth time literally it might be 10 pm on the ship. Help…
If you go outside the main ship without a spacesuit you die. If your going 2000 miles per hour coming in from space and hit the space ship your going to die…if you do not eat food in a certain amount of time from a diverse menu in the mess hall you will die. If you pilot a jet fighter and run into an asteroid you die…
I want to make a realistic virtual community simulation game for space exploration.
This sounds like an amazing game!
If this looks realistic you should add VR Support this is a really really hard game or should I say simulator you are trying to make if your on the educational side you should make it free because
I want to play it (lol)
2.You could get sponsored
3.Make all the orbits and everything realistic including the flying temperature etc.
If your on the arcade side you should stick to
A great story! Everyone loves a game with an epic story you can get the game ported to console easily
2.The flying should be fast paced and full of explosions in space
3.Random generated galaxy (yes it sounds like NMS)
4.Cool species to explore in planets
5.You can get invaded/raided
If this game be’s a great success according to your vision then everyone will abandon there lives and use there VR 24/7 to get away from there lives!
Good Luck!
What you are suggesting is an MMO of a pretty epic scale. I’m imagining you would need to throw a hundred million at it, along with some very skilled people, and several years of work. Put simply this is not a project that a beginner can attempt.
Thank you for the time and knowledge of your reply. You are right. More than I can handle. But now I will go learn what MMO means and finish filling out a GDD so I can pitch it to some backers…NASA…thank you for fanning my flame…
From what I’ve seen and heard - or rather the fact that I haven’t seen or heard anything impressive - you would likely struggle to find funding even with a history of successful titles. MMOs just don’t seem to hold the popularity they did.
Or rather people are discovering you can have some of the concepts from an MMO while simultaneously having a life. I’d love to see Pokemon Go inspire game developers to create MMOs that don’t require you to remain indoors on a computer.
Truly thanks for spending time talking with me. I have had this idea for a long time. I am now trying to do something more than just have an idea. I will not give up though. I do know I do not have the skills personally or the means to make it. But I can surely try to convince the right people to help me if the return is worth the burn…
As a kicker I want to get real visuals in 360 degree view from a real satellite camera launched to round the planets that we use for the game…
This is a fun little dream project and everything, and it’s not in my nature to tell people to forget their dreams.
But if you actually ever want to make games (even if it’s just recruiting people to make your game idea for you), you’re going to have to start with something a lot smaller in scope. I mean, I could be wrong, and maybe NASA would love to divert part of their limited budget away from exploring the stars and into your game project (assuming they’re even allowed to, being a department of the US government).
More likely, though, if you want to get investors on board, you need to be able to demonstrate you can follow through. Usually this means showing a functioning prototype, or at the very least, having solid market analysis data that would suggest a high likelihood of success.
The other side of this – and this part may sound harsh – is that it doesn’t sound like you have a solid understanding of gaming or space travel. A real-time survival game where you die if you don’t log in and eat sounds like a horrible chore. And collecting visual data from a satellite? Juno is the fastest probe NASA’s ever built, and that took 5 years to get from Earth to Jupiter. What that means for you is that for years and years, the images you’d be displaying would be more or less the same thing, with brief periods where you’d be able to see nearby (within a few million miles) stellar bodies.
Again, it’s a fun little daydream, but I think you’d be much better off pursuing something more reachable for the near future.
Thank you for your reply. Ok, so now we scrap the idea of a real satellite. And we do not want something that sounds like a chore, or do we?
Well it is going to take more than a few no’s to bust my dream up…
Hey, keep dreaming! My goal isn’t to make you give up on anything. And who knows, maybe I’m wrong and you’ve got what it takes and the whole thing will come together.
You asked for our advice on it, and that’s what I gave. Take it as you will, and best of luck!
@Xrisxs this could help you alot and others go to this website: https://www.kickstarter.com/learn?ref=nav
Its a kickstart for you to earn money and help fund your game idea lots of games have been backed by this web so basicly if you have a great idea and others love it they will donate to you!
Kickstarter is an excellent choice if you already have made significant progress on your game but need additional funding for that last mile of development. If you only have a game idea though you may as well forget it. Back in the early days there were far too many projects that started off with just an idea and never made it anywhere. People are very wary of that now and do not fund the vast majority of them.
Just be prepared to be ignored or even worse laughed at (both literally and metaphorically). Fact is game ideas are a dime a dozen. Every single game developer has ideas in some shape or form. Most of them will never see the light of day and those few that do have been refined countless times through prototypes.
Earlier I mentioned that it was difficult to receive funding through Kickstarter with just an idea. Getting funding from an investor is going to be just as bad. You need to have far more than just a design document and that’s with a history of successful games.
I’m not trying to discourage you with this but rather trying to encourage you to take on smaller projects until you have become successful. To do otherwise is simply a waste of your time and the time of the investor (it’s better if they don’t remember the guy who showed up with just an idea and wasted their time).
Can I ask you guys to stop bumping posts from people who aren’t actually here to use the tool or ask specific, targeted questions about using the tool?
Or, if we’re doing design theory at least not start those discussions with some laundry list of too-specific components obviously mish-mashed together with no appropriate technical consideration (other than signing up for a game engine discussion board)?
It’s up to you, each of you, I’m not going to say anything else, but threads like these aren’t constructive and our time spent in them isn’t either. I’m gonna go share some more good references I know now since I don’t have any real questions at the moment.
When you talk about building games you should be talking about building game mechanics, not a specific game. Specifics start once the framework for the mechanics exists.
Certainly. You can ask. Doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a good idea or that we’ll listen. Sometimes you actually do get through to the person who creates the thread and they decide to go about it the way the rest of us successfully did. You won’t know though if you just pass up their thread.