What's the best Backend Server for a simple Mobile Game?

Hi! I want to make simple mobile games and I want to save up the progress on a server in order to avoid cheating and losing progress.

I have little to no knowledge about Networking & Databases, but I can learn.

Some people recommended Firebase, Playfab, and Game Spark.

What would you recommend for someone on a very tight budget?

Edit: I also want to have some in-app purchases, and I was wondering if you can provide some help or tutorials around that too (on how to make sure that the user will get the items on other machines too)

If you don’t know networking and databases don’t start off with in-app purchases. The first time someone loses a purchase, or gets double-charged, you won’t have a clue what to do. That’s a bad idea. Get some experience first before you add in money.

Also, there is no “best”. Try them all and see which one you like the most, and use that. Everyone always posts the same thing here: “I want something simple and cheap/free”. That’s a bold request. Generally you pay for simplicity, or you get it for free by doing it yourself. And if you are dealing with other people’s money you don’t want to cheap out on your service.

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You’re right!

So… first, I should start only with ads, and then integrate in-app purchases… but how should I get that experience?

And are there any courses or tutorials on this?