I have a large mesh that’s auto generated and i cant find any way texture it, its very large (thousands of unit’s large) and was wonder what i should be looking for to texture it?
sorry if this is a stupid question
I have a large mesh that’s auto generated and i cant find any way texture it, its very large (thousands of unit’s large) and was wonder what i should be looking for to texture it?
sorry if this is a stupid question
The ‘best’ way really depends on a lot of factors.
The quickest and easiest way to set it up is probably to adjust the UVs of the mesh such that they are a factor of the repeat rate you desire across the face. For example, if you wanted a quad to display a texture twice you’d set the UVs of either the top-right or bottom-left to 0.5 rather than 0.0 or 1.0 respectively. This technique also requires that you have texture tiling enabled on the image asset itself otherwise if it’s set to clamp you’ll just get a repeat of the last pixel at the edge.
Another popular technique would be to split the mesh into many sub-faces so that you can manually set each vertex UV to the correct position of the texture. This is usually more common when you are using texture atlases and you can’t support texture tiling.
if you mean just repeating some texture, could also try triplanar shaders,
like GitHub - keijiro/StandardTriplanar: Unity's standard shader with triplanar mapping (then no need uv’s)