I’m working on a turn based grid game. think checkers. I’m really proud of myself for making the randomized grid map without any help from plugins, but the trouble started when I tried to make the objects start interacting. What I need this code to do is create a “go right” button which sends a ray from the object to the right one unit. if the raycast hits an object tagged enemy, I need the player object to move two units like he’s jumping him (checkers). otherwise I just need the player object to move one space.
As you can see, I am having trouble just getting the ray to report an object. I have tried many solutions: from triggerEnters to Rays; from kinematic onTriggers to box collider rigidbodies. The only thing that seems to be consistent is that either collisions are ALWAYS happening or NEVER happening.
function OnGUI(){
//move/jump right
if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2 + 100, Screen.height/2, 75,75), moveRightButton)){
var hit : RaycastHit;
var myRay = new Ray(myPos, Vector3.right);
if(collider.Raycast(myRay, hit,1)){
if(hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Enemy"){
Debug.Log("this is awkward");
Mostly, I just need a fresh pair of eyes to make sure my ray is in the right format. If you can think of a better way to do this, let me know. I also want to make the player object keep “jumping” if more than one enemy is lined up. If you’re feeling abstract, do you have any ideas for a looping function that repeats the jump routine until there’s no more enemies? But most importantly, what’s going on with my Raycast?
Thank you very much for your time.