Whats wrong with this "lerpMultiplier = 0.02f;"?

So im going to develop my own games an im new to this. I bought a book that’s been teaching me how to create games and im in a coding section of the book. It ask me to make a script with a code on it that is not working, i copied the code exactly how it is in the book but “lerpMultiplier = 0.02f;” there’s a problem with this part, i’ve tried to look for some answers but i haven’t found any, can anyone help me? this is the whole script in the book.

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.UI;

public class SplashScreen : MonoBehaviour
public Image logo;
Color logoColor;
public lerpMultiplier = 0.02f;

void Start ()
 logoColor = new Color (1, 1, 1, 0);
 logo.color = logoColor;

 StartCoroutine (GotoMainMenu());

IEnumerator GotoMainMenu()
 yield return new WaitForSeconds(4);
 Application.LoadLevel ("MainMenu");

void Update ()
 logoColor = Color.Lerp(logoColor, new Color(1, 1, 1),
 Time.time * lerpMultiplier);
 logo.color = logoColor;

To declare a variable / field you have to specify a type. The general syntax is

[modifiers] TYPE NAME [= init value];

Things in square brackets are optional.
In your case you want to declare a float variable like this:

public float lerpMultiplier = 0.02f;