Whats wrong with this script?

I have this script for my multi-player login and it not all working to great... any ideas why im getting these errors

using UnityEngine;

using System;

using System.Collections;         // for using hash tables

using System.Security.Permissions;  // for getting the socket policy

using SmartFoxClientAPI;            // to setup SmartFox connection

using SmartFoxClientAPI.Data;      // necessary to access the room resource

public class gui_Login : MonoBehaviour {

    // smartFox variables

    private SmartFoxClient smartFox;

    private string serverIP = "";

    private int serverPort = 9339;        // default = 9339

    public string zone = "city";

    public bool debug = true;

    // variables used in script

    private string statusMessage = "";

    private string username = "";

    void Awake() {

        Application.runInBackground = true;     // Let the application be running while the window is not active.

        // Create SmartFox connection if not already available

        if ( SmartFox.IsInitialized() ) {

            Debug.Log("SmartFox is already initialized, reusing connection");

            smartFox = SmartFox.Connection;

        } else {

            if( Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsWebPlayer ) {

              // Only set this for the webplayer, it breaks pc standalone

                // See http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/25122/ for details

                Security.PrefetchSocketPolicy(serverIP, serverPort);


            try {

                Debug.Log("Starting new SmartFoxClient");

                smartFox = new SmartFoxClient(debug);

                smartFox.runInQueueMode = true;

            } catch ( Exception e ) {




        // Register callback delegates, before callling Connect()

        SFSEvent.onConnection += OnConnection;

        SFSEvent.onConnectionLost += OnConnectionLost;

        SFSEvent.onLogin += OnLogin;

        SFSEvent.onRoomListUpdate += OnRoomList;

        SFSEvent.onDebugMessage += OnDebugMessage;

        //SFSEvent.onJoinRoom += OnJoinRoom;        // We will not join a room in this level

        Debug.Log("Attempting to connect to SmartFoxServer");

        smartFox.Connect(serverIP, serverPort);  


    void FixedUpdate() {



    void OnGUI() {

        // server IP in bottom left corner

        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, Screen.height-25, 200, 24), "Server: " + serverIP);

        // quit button in bottom right corner

        if ( Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.WindowsWebPlayer ) {         

            if ( GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width-150, Screen.height - 50, 100, 24), "Quit") ) {






        // Show login fields if connected and reconnect button if disconnect

        if (smartFox.IsConnected()) {

            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 116, 100, 100), "Username: ");

            username = GUI.TextField(new Rect(100, 116, 200, 20), username, 25);

            if ( GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 166, 100, 24), "Login")  || (Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown && Event.current.character == '
')) {

                smartFox.Login(zone, username, "");


        } else {

            if ( GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 166, 100, 24), "Reconnect")  || (Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown && Event.current.character == '
')) {




        // Draw box for status messages, if one is given

        // Contains some logic to parse message of multiple lines if necessary

        if (statusMessage.Length > 0)


            int boxLength = 61;       // define length of status box

            int messageLength = statusMessage.Length;   // get length of status message

            string originalMessage = statusMessage;  // copy message in to work string

            string formattedMessage = "";            // define output message string

            int i = 0;

            while (i + boxLength < messageLength)      // iterate and add newline until over length


                formattedMessage = formattedMessage + originalMessage.Substring(i,boxLength) + "

                i = i + boxLength;


            // add last piece of original message

            formattedMessage = formattedMessage + originalMessage.Substring(i,  boxLength - (i + boxLength - messageLength));

            // draw status box with message

            GUI.Box (new Rect (Screen.width - 420,10,400,48), formattedMessage);



    private void UnregisterSFSSceneCallbacks() {

        // This should be called when switching scenes, so callbacks from the backend do not trigger code in this scene

        SFSEvent.onConnection -= OnConnection;

        SFSEvent.onConnectionLost -= OnConnectionLost;

        SFSEvent.onLogin -= OnLogin;

        SFSEvent.onRoomListUpdate -= OnRoomList;

        SFSEvent.onDebugMessage -= OnDebugMessage;

        //SFSEvent.onJoinRoom -= OnJoinRoom;


    void OnConnection(bool success, string error) {

        if ( success ) {

            SmartFox.Connection = smartFox;

            statusMessage = "Connected to SmartFox Server";


        } else {

            statusMessage = "Can't connect! " + error;




    void OnConnectionLost() {

        statusMessage = "Connection lost / no connection to server";


    public void OnDebugMessage(string message) {

        Debug.Log("[SFS DEBUG] " + message);


    public void OnLogin(bool success, string name, string error) {

        if ( success ) {

            statusMessage = "Login for user \"" + name +  "\" successful.";

            // Lets wait for the room list

        } else {

            // Login failed - lets display the error message sent to us

            statusMessage = "Login error: " + error;




    // We will not join a room in this level, the NetworkController in the next scene will take care of that

    void OnJoinRoom(Room room)


        Debug.Log("Room " + room.GetName() + " joined successfully");

        smartFox.SendPublicMessage(smartFox.myUserName + " has joined");

        // We can now move on to the next level





    void OnRoomList(Hashtable roomList) {

        try {

            foreach (int roomId in roomList.Keys)   {          

                Room room = (Room)roomList[roomId];

                if (room.IsPrivate()) {

                    Debug.Log("Room id: " + roomId + " has name: " + room.GetName() + "(private)");


                Debug.Log("Room id: " + roomId + " has name: " + room.GetName());


            // Users always have to be in a room, but we'll do that in the next level


            if (smartFox.GetActiveRoom() == null) {

                smartFox.JoinRoom("Central Square");





        catch (Exception e) {

            Debug.Log("Room list error: "+e.Message+" "+e.StackTrace);




Errors :

Assets/Scripts/Networking/gui_Login.cs(174,13): error CS1520: Class, struct, or interface method must have a return type

Assets/Scripts/Networking/gui_Login.cs(175,34): error CS1519: Unexpected symbol `(' in class, struct, or interface member declaration

Assets/Scripts/Networking/gui_Login.cs(177,13): error CS8025: Parsing error

All help is appreciated thanks to all who help in advanced

Your problem is code that doesn't belong to any function. The last lines of code (around "UnregisterSFSSceneCallbacks") are not within function scope so the compiler assumes you're trying to define a function without a return type.

Clean your code. I guess what you want to do is to remove that code entirely. It seems to belong to the partially commented "void OnRoomList(Hashtable roomList)".

Stripping away the comments and improving indentation yields the following code.

Can you see now where the error is?

    public void OnLogin(bool success, string name, string error) 
        if ( success ) 
            statusMessage = "Login for user \"" + name +  "\" successful.";
            statusMessage = "Login error: " + error;

    // Tons of comments removed...


        catch (Exception e) 
            Debug.Log("Room list error: "+e.Message+" "+e.StackTrace);