I use same code with Andrew Gotow tutorial. Everytime i turn left the car was turn right and then flip up. Here’s the video http://youtu.be/IV_BIIi4zHg
thanks for any help
I use same code with Andrew Gotow tutorial. Everytime i turn left the car was turn right and then flip up. Here’s the video http://youtu.be/IV_BIIi4zHg
thanks for any help
set the center of mass to the center of the vehicle, and make sure that the car has regidbody with around 1000 to 3000 weight.
I didn’t watch the tutorial video. However, I have 2 suggestions.
Try increasing the gravity on your rigibody.
Try using Vector3.Project.
I personally use it, in my jet simulator, my plane used to drift after I banked or turned, and I added these vectors on the opposite directions in order to prevent the drift and to maintain the turn.