I have several cars for a little low poly racing game but when you reach a certain speed forwards or backwards the front of the car will bounce up like the below. At slow speeds its fine. Anyone encountered something like this before?
Maybe colliders are to close together so they will clip into eachother or the ground?
Are there rigidbody active? If so, what collision detection mode?
You could try continues rigidbodies.
Haven’t worked with cars a lot, so nut sure about how the colliders work. Maybe download a free car asset on the asset store
Tried changing to continuous but same thing happens :(. The model is an asset from the store. Weird thing is I made my own car, which looked a lot worse which is why I got the assets, and it worked just fine with the exact same settings. So im at a loss.
Found the solution, i just increased the mass. Its strange that it needed a higher mass when my previous one worked fine but hey ho its fixed. Thanks for the help
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