So i have a tank here and a tank controller. The problem is my tanks friction is so bad it cant even go a 15 degree slope . i tried everything rigidbody settings ,physic materials,wheel collider settings nothing ever works. Here are the settings:
i love that there are so many helpful people
You should try less salt.
WheelColliders are notoriously tricky to work with. They just aren’t really all that useful, IMNSHO. About the most impressive use of them I’ve seen is in a small racing demo by Imphenzia (see Youtube), and even then he glossed over a ton of configuration he had to do to “get it guud.”
Tank controllers and indeed just about any other kind of vehicle controller, especially ones that operate at high speeds or have complex contact patterns (tanks with treads), are almost always some kind of custom controller, often using just forces and PD (or even PID) controllers to mediate and moderate those forces to get what you want.
Here’s an example of an arcade controller I had some luck with, but it still had a TON of fiddling to do to make it behave:
If you’re looking to model the behavior of a real world tank using a discrete digital physics simulator, you have a LONG slog ahead of you. If you look at this package it has pretty crazy stuff in the controller:
Ha thank you i am sometimes a bit irritated . i really appreciate your answer thx!
You’re welcome! Gamedev is generally a series of deep dark noodlings of detail and fiddling and footzing around, tuning and twiddling until you finally figure it out and then it’s a joy to play and drive your tank around.
There isn’t any way to really bypass that. Experimentation and careful note-taking about what you did and what effect it had are definitely your friend.
There’s SO many different ways to move stuff in gamedev… with something as archetypal as a tank, you definitely owe it to yourself to try lots of different approaches.
Your going to have to dynamically change those values of the wheel collider during the game. I can’t really tell you more detail because I abandoned the wheel collider and used something else all I know is you can’t just set the values and forgot about because different situations in the game call for different values.