Hello all. Budding Indie game dev here and I am completely at a loss right now. I have tried virtually EVERY vehicle controller in the asset store as well as derivatives of Unity’s standard vehicle controller asset. I am currently working on a demo of my long-term game, which is essentially a GTA/Saints Row/Watch Dogs type open world game. I know that Unity is not the best for BIG open world games, however this is something that can be applied to any racing game as well.
The issue I am having is trying to get vehicles to do standing burnouts and donuts. A standing burnout would be like heating up your tires at the beginning of a drag race, and i think donuts are pretty self-explanatory. I’ve seen a lot of people do “drift” physics, but that’s not necessarily my aim. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice driving capability simply to add sudo-drift physics…
I was thinking of just making it animation based and writing a script that references the vehicle controller and input thaat triggers said animation, however I really am not sure if that’s the proper route.