Hey. Ive got problems in my “motocross game” where ive managed to make the bike move pretty smoothly with circle colliders on wheels and wheel joints on body which connected to both front and rear wheels. Suspension is ok, wheels are rotating fine, bike moving forward and such, but troubles occurs when i try to flip (y-axis -180) or when adding some lean to the bike (z-axis around 10-15). Wheels cannot follow the body in this case and whole bike is going crazy. Can someone help or point me out where to start looking some info about this? I watched some tutorials about hinge and spring joints but havent really managed to find any help about the same issue.
I created this, being interested in the matter myself. You should be able to just drag the prefab into the scene. Left/ right should slightly move the car and rotate it around the z-Axis, while up/down are flipping it.
Considering 2D colliders not actually being able to be rotated you might just have a separate “visual” GameObject on each body part to flip when necessary.