Wheel Colliers sinking into ground

This is my first post here on Unity Answers, So please let me know if I am doing something wrong. Anyways on to my question.

Recently in the last couple of months I have started to learn Unity. As a part of that process I have been working with wheel colliers to make a simple car. For the car models I am using some assets I found on the asset store here. These models look great but for some reason the wheel colliers sink into the ground on one side.

I believed that the cause is the center of gravity, but no luck when I changed it through a script. I have managed to get a simple car working with a cube and wheel colliers, but I would love to get it to work with these models.

Thanks in advance for all your help.

The green wheel colliders are sitting on the ground correctly. Your wheels need to be moved up. Unparent from the collider move them up and re paren collider to wheel. Take notes of each y pos of each mesh wheel as all should be the same.