I’m trying to synchronize the rotation of the wheels so that other players can watch it. I send the position and rotation, synchronization occurs using RaiseEvent, everything is not synchronized correctly. Firstly, the wheels of another player are twitching when moving, I understand that this may occur with bandwidth or something else, but how can this be fixed? Secondly, the wheels do not rotate, they literally retain their original rotation relative to the machine, that is, when turning, their rotation does not follow the rotation of the machine, but literally remains static, as if the machine turns, but the wheels do not. How can this be fixed? And is there an easy way to synchronize the wheels of a car?
else if(obj.Code == PhotonEvents.WHEEL_UPDATE_EVENT)
object[] data = (object[])obj.CustomData;
Vector3 pos = new Vector3((float)data[0], (float)data[1], (float)data[2]);
Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler((float)data[3], (float)data[4], (float)data[5]);
int ViewId = (int)data[6];
int i = (int)data[7];
bool isFront = (bool)data[8];
foreach (var playerCar in raceManager.carObjects)
if (playerCar.GetComponent<CarController>() &&
playerCar.GetComponent<PhotonView>().ViewID == ViewId)
var car = playerCar.GetComponent<CarController>();
if (isFront)
car.FrontWheelTrans*.position = pos;*
car.FrontWheelTrans*.rotation = rot;*
car.RearWheelTrans*.position = pos;*
car.RearWheelTrans*.rotation = rot;*
Wheel update code from the local player
private void UpdateAllWheelPose()
UpdateWheelPose(FrontWheelsCol[0], FrontWheelTrans[0], 0, true);
UpdateWheelPose(FrontWheelsCol[1], FrontWheelTrans[1], 1, true);
UpdateWheelPose(RearWheelsCol[0], RearWheelTrans[0], 0, false);
UpdateWheelPose(RearWheelsCol[1], RearWheelTrans[1], 1, false);
UpdateWheelPose(RearWheelsCol[2], RearWheelTrans[2], 2, false);
UpdateWheelPose(RearWheelsCol[3], RearWheelTrans[3], 3, false);
private void UpdateWheelPose(WheelCollider wheelCollider, Transform wheelTransform, int i, bool isFront)
Vector3 pos = wheelTransform.position;
Quaternion rot = wheelTransform.rotation;
wheelCollider.GetWorldPose(out pos, out rot);
wheelTransform.position = pos;
wheelTransform.rotation = rot;
object[] data = { pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, photonView.ViewID, i, isFront };
PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(PhotonEvents.WHEEL_UPDATE_EVENT, data, RaiseEventOptions.Default,