WheelJoint2D updates?

Is there any info on this years old issue mentioned here? Questions about 2D Joints and vehicle rigs
Specifically the bit about min/max limits to springs.

Basically you can’t make a decent wheeled vehicle game with the joints now. I checked the roadmap and didn’t find this mentioned there.

Also if anyone knows how to actually configure the wheel joint spring so that it isn’t so bouncy?

I mean any frequency value over 10 makes the wheel extremely bouncy. How can you define a stiff spring that doesn’t make the vehicle bounce around like a beach ball on contact with the ground.

What’s your rigidbody’s mass? What’s your gravity set to?

I have tried masses ranging from 1kg to 2000kg for the vehicle body, and the tires from 1-100kg. I have tried gravity from -6 to the standard -9.81 (the gravity setting works as expected but doesn’t address the issue here, ie. very bouncy springs/wheels).
And yes my materials bounciness is 0.
If you want to replicate this then try to set the spring frequency to eg. 1000 and see what happens. Yes that is an extreme value (though the maximum is 1000000!), but if you try to make a stiff spring then the vehicle will bounce from the ground ridiculously.

Here is a 5 year old thread discussing the same issues. Any free examples showing 2D car physics?

It requires a whole lot of customization. The only thing the Wheel Joint2D is good for out of the box is constraining the rigidbody to a particular axis when it articulates.

You can assign multiple Joints to any single rigidbody so take advantage of that. For instance, you can use a Hinge Joint and Wheel collider on the same object which gives you some more control over position and suspension, and further control it with a Spring joint. The biggest problem is that there are no controls for hard suspension distances so anything you create is inevitably floppy on a frustrating level.

I haven’t tried any of the asset store stuff but I can confirm it’s a royal PITA to do anything practical with the 2D physics system. It’s basically Box2D but the names of all the joints are different and they’ve implemented it in a sort of strange way. It’s like they wanted Box2D, but wanted to make it look and act the same as the existing Physics system. It started making a little more sense as I went on (after weeks of screwing with it) but I actually just scrapped the idea of using it on a real project because of all the problems I was having trying to make things work sensibly… YMMV. Bottom line I would say you could use it but you should expect to do a lot of legwork behind the 2D physics system, making it more of a periodical accessory than a feature of your pipeline."