when all array are null,all objects in array are null

hi all,
I wanna know if all the array are null…

var greenFood: GameObject[];
function Awake()
	        greenFood= GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("GreenFood");

when my char pass through the objects I destroy it, and in array one of then stay null, I want to know when all the array are null


hi all…
I figure out how to solve this XD

var count : int;
var greenFood: GameObject[];
function Awake()

            greenFood= GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("GreenFood");
    function Update(){
            count= 0;
			for(var i = 0; i < greenFood.Length; i++){
		        if (greenFood *== null)*
  •          {*
  •             count++;*
  •          }*
  •  	}*
  •  	if(count == greenFood.Length){*
  •  		print("green");*
  •  	}*
