When can I say that I am good enough at c# coding and move from normal Console programs to Unity?

I gained an interest in Unity about a month ago, and have about 2 to 3 weeks learning C#. I have spent learned quite a lot of things but I can’t really tell when I can move on from making a Console program to making scripts in Unity. For context, I learned HTML, CSS and a good bit of JS a while back, but left it after a few months. I am new to OOP, but I do have a good understanding of how coding/programming works in general. Here is a list of everything I have learned in C# so far:

  • Variables
  • Data Types
  • Getting User Input
  • Arrays
  • Methods
  • If Statements
  • Switch Statements
  • While Loops
  • For Loops
  • 2d Arrays
  • Comments
  • Exception Handling
  • Classes & Objects
  • Constructors
  • Object Methods
  • Getters & Setters
  • Static Class Attributes
  • Static Methods & Classes
  • Inheritance

Is there anything I am missing? I have worked on programs that include all these topics and have a good understanding of every single one of them. I’m sorry if this has been asked before because I was sure someone would have but I couldn’t find a question like this on here except one from 2013, and obviously C# and Unity and have changed massively in the last 7 years, so I thought I should ask here. I appreciate any advice I can get.

You’re already 1000 steps ahead of 95% of people who start with Unity. What you really need to learn is Unity’s GameObject/Component architecture and how Unity runs your C# code. The best way to learn that is to try to make a simple game in Unity!

Okay thanks! I looked at some Unity tutorials for free in May or April, and I already know how all that works, so I guess I can start?
Edit: “how”

Open Unity and play with it. I very much liked playing with physics when i started with game engines, so i’d recommend doing some cool physics stuff.
It’s pretty much like playing with Lego, everyone builds something different, but the pieces are the same for everyone.

Make a simple bowling game for example. Being able to tell if a bowling pin is still standing will teach you valuable vector math.

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You don’t need anyone’s permission, just do it!


Okay thanks!

Okay I will

Yeah, seriously, don’t overthink it. Go towards whatever you wanna learn, tackle it and amaze yourself. There is no finer game engine in this world than Unity3D… I love it!

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