Hi guys.
When do you think all DOTS features will hit version 1.0? I know you don’t know for sure, but I am interested in what your gut feeling tells you. Are we talking 1 year, 2, 3, 4, 5…?
Kind regards.
Hi guys.
When do you think all DOTS features will hit version 1.0? I know you don’t know for sure, but I am interested in what your gut feeling tells you. Are we talking 1 year, 2, 3, 4, 5…?
Kind regards.
What are ‘all DOTS features’? It’s a collection of different packages, in varying states of completion.
I like to think most things will it’ll make it as verified packages in the 2021 LTS, which would roll out in some time early 2022 I guess.
Some things, like animation, audio, nav… heck, even the netcode… I dunno, I can’t see them landing in the 2020 LTS personally; I guess ‘bits and pieces’ will land before then, like burst already is v1.3.4.
If you want ‘end to end DOTS only verified in LTS’ you’re probably looking at the 2022 or 2023 LTS in my opinion.
I’m asking because Entities package is on version 0.13 after 3 years of development.
A wild geuss: 2026 all package that they are working now will be somehow ready like: jobs, enitities, burst, phsycis, hybrid renderer
DOTS isn’t on the official rode map.
I wonder if we will ever get a blog post or something else that would give us an idea of how many years “the future of Unity” will be in development.
If it’s not on the official rode map, then 2 years is probably not going to be enough to wrap everything up.
Yeah, seems I was being to optimistic thinking things might land in the 2021 LTS.
All you can really do is wait for the upcoming blog post; from the reddit AMA:
and the forum yesterday:
https://discussions.unity.com/t/804185 page-2#post-6204291
For your reference, Mike Actor is the this person → https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeacton/, so he’s probably the only person who can actually give you meaningful answers to your questions.
For now, use it if you want to play… if you want to know the roadmap, you just have to wait to hear more, like the rest of us.
I find it pretty useless to speculate about future events. Even if UT told us "ECS will be production ready in 202X.Y you could still not rely on this as plans change all the time. The only thing you can tell for sure is, the more people try ECS now and give feedback, the better it can become.
The other issue is, what does change for you when you could know the exact date? Would you postpone a project? Start a new one right away? Would you switch to Unreal if it takes too long? If there is no real effect for you why bother?
My suggestion is to just let it happen in the pace it happens anyway. If you are interested in how DOD works and you have a project in mind for it just prototype it and see how far you come. Where are the drawbacks of current ECS (UI, Editor integration, Animation, Documentation)? What is already working well enough for you (physics, Core ECS)?
ECS is a very different paradigm. And to “restructure” the whole engine and editor around that will take time. Instead of reading peoples “predictions” here you could also read bat excrement. It would help you exactly the same. So just relax and use ECS if you see fit or use MB if that serves you better.
Also keep in mind that DOD is pretty “virgin soil” and has not been done so extensively and systematically before (AFAIK, there have been some ECS games but not a whole engine structured around it). So what UT does here is really science and engineering. And UT is not holding it back intentionally. They WANT to get it as fast a s possible to us. It just takes lots of time.
It’s “Acton” (with an N at the end).
Can we take bets? Any odds on certain date ranges??? ;w;
2 bananas later.
Jokes aside, my guess is not soon. You can probably release a couple of big-scale games in the meantime.
@exiguous It wouldn’t hurt to get some kind of a road map from Unity. They’ve done a good job hyping DOTS up. I for one am ready to switch to it completely, but when all the packages are verified.
Back in 2019 they said that it would all be done by 2020. But something tells me this will be in development for a long, long time.
@Nyanpas I think they will work on it for about a decade, all together. 3 years down, 7 more to go. xD
But yeah, let’s wait for this new blog post update on DOTS they’ve been talking about. I hope they will be brutally honest and let us know exactly how long they plan on working on it.
Sure, it wouldn’t hurt. But the question is still how reliable any date they mention is. And how much you tie yourself to that date.
When I watched the “introductory” presentations (on youtube) from Unite 2018 the whole ECS thing seems “just around the corner”. Two years later many things have improved. But it becomes also clear that there is much more work to do to make Unity “fully” ECS compatible.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m also interested in any roadmap they mention. As I want to start an ECS project soon and I fear that I need to rewrite lots of stuff or hit some roadblocks (Entity - UI communication?) on the way. But thats the price we have to pay for “Early Access”. So I see it more as a opportunity to get a headstart and already know how to properly use ECS when it’s fully released to the public. When you always wait until all bugs and flaws are fixed you can hardly use any software. And those people already using ECS for production don’t seem to care about it beeing “in preview” and changing often. So wether you can use it or not is no “either or” situation but more a “here a little and there a little” thing IMO.
Sorry about that; I saw my typo after I posted, but because my post had a link in it, the wonderful unity forum decided that editing my post was forbidden because it was spam (still can’t change it). So… Actor it is.
No worries. The “correction” was more for other people reading your post. And when I tried to check the link I had to register so I could not “verify” that it’s linked to the proper person.
No idea hopefully ECS and Unity physics make it into pre-release in Unity 2021.
I doubt we will see all features available currently with a 1.0 before 2022, but I am sure many of them will be in 2021.
Hard to say, isn’t it. Maybe it’s a positive sign that this crazy CTO dude is up posting on the dots forum about bitmasks and bools late on a Sunday evening.