When do you have a plan to support IME system.

Hello~ Our company is considering Unity3d Engine for our new project. But we need more information about IME support. Because our project will be serviced in Asia. (chinese, korea, japannese, thailand, etc..) Please let me know when that service is available.

very thanks.

as i know they are working on it but these kinds of questions can be answered better when you email them to support@unity3d.com. sometimes they are working on something but they don't want to tell about it to public because the delivery of the feature might delay or ... we had some problems with unity's international support so i asked the Q&A team many questions. as i know they are working on IME and extending the unity's language support.

Thanks for your answering ^^.

Supported in Unity 3.0: http://feedback.unity3d.com/forums/15792-unity/suggestions/310626-input-unicode-ime-input-method-editor-support?ref=title