Hi all,
I’ve setup an orbital camera for my game and I’m having an issue when trying to disable the rotation during a conversation.
When starting a conversation, I disable the Cinemachine Orbital Follow script on the Cinemachine camera and set the Cursor.lockstate to None.
This works great.
When the conversation ends, I then enable the orbital follow script and lock the cursor.
The problem is, as soon as the orbital follow is enabled, it jumps to face another direction.
I’m assuming it is still tracking the mouse position in the background and when enabled it jumps to face where the mouse is currently at.
Is there a setting I can change to have the camera be at the same position after the conversation or, is there a better way to disable the camera?
It’s not a great idea to enable and disable camera behaviours, because of the sort of thing you have observed. Instead, implement each distinct camera behaviour as a separate CinemachineCamera, and enable/disable them as needed.
So, have one camera with OrbitalFollow, and another conversation camera without it. When the conversation starts, enable the conversation camera (Cinemachine will blend to it). When the conversation ends, disable it (Cinemachine will blend back).
You can have the orbital camera inherit the conversation camera’s position, so that direction is preserved when it regains control. To do that, add “Inherit Position” to the orbital camera’s blend hints.
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Thank you Gregoryl,
I’ll give that a go tonight.
I was planning on asking a separate question around having a conversation camera at a different angle, but it seems you may have helped me on that also 
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