void heroloccal()
if (bdeadd.sdead)
Vector2 hehe = herot.position;
Vector2 b_loc = transform.position;
dx = herot.position.x - b_loc.x;
dy = herot.position.y - b_loc.y;
Vector2 dx_vector = new Vector2(dx, dy);
transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(transform.position, hehe, 1 * Time.deltaTime);
[*][QUOTE][/QUOTE] }
ım sorry moderator deleted exact one and ı told him to reupload he uploaded wrong one
Please stop blaming others.
You created a bunch of duplicate posts on different forums and none of them explained it well. When the duplicates were deleted you exclaimed “the other one” but neglected to say which one so the one with source code (this one) was restored.
All you have to do is paste a tiny bit of code with a description; it’s super simple and hundreds of devs do it each day. Nobody can help you if you don’t do this and nobody should have to work to get you to post the problem details.
If you want help, simply edit your post above or just post again here then we can help you!
We do want to help you but we don’t understand the problem!
who has same problem ı figured something else normally on collision ı change bool and ı made a return statement which return if collision turn bool to true but it was not working when an enemy collide other enemies stop too.Try destroy object and create a gameobject which has death animation then use instatiate function to create but animation maybe cant be on the exact location try to locate changing coordinates of instaitae by your judmengt.