When i press play i fly up into the sky and cant move

Im very new to unity and when i press play myself and all other 3d models fly into the sky and i cant move please help

…myself and all other 3d models fly into the sky…” - are you sure that’s what’s happening? It seems more likely to me that you and all the 3d models are staying still, and the ground is falling… (which will happen if you’ve applied rigidbody to a ground plane, for example)

Did you use an terrain to keep your characters fixed?
Did you add rigidbody to your models, to use the pyshics?
Did you create the script for movement and the animation’s setings?

Review all of this.

It’s possible that your objects and first person camera are halfway through the floor. A new object is placed into the scene at the same height as the terrain, so you need to raise your first person camera up so that it is resting on the terrain. You can set the Transform Y position on the 1st person camera to 1, since the object has a height of 2 if it hasn’t been scaled. Click the camera in the Hierarchy then find the transform section in the Inspector window. Transform is the first entry in the window.