When I put this coroutine, the function doesn't work ??! Can someone tell why?

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] int moneyCount;
    [SerializeField] item[] items;
    int luckyNum = 7;
    int luckyItemNum;
    int useTime;
    float playerOldMoveSpeed;

    public TextMeshProUGUI playerLifeCountText;

    private GameObject player;
    private PlayerController playerControllerScript;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        player = GameObject.Find("Player");
        playerControllerScript = player.GetComponent<PlayerController>();
        playerOldMoveSpeed = playerControllerScript.moveSpeed;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        // If player has lives and is unactive then set him active
        if (player.activeInHierarchy == false && playerControllerScript.playerLifeCount >= 0)

    public void DropItemIfLucky(Vector2 myPosition, Quaternion myRotation)
        int luckyDrawNum = Random.Range(1, 21);
        if (luckyDrawNum == luckyNum)
            luckyItemNum = Random.Range(0, items.Length);
            if (items[luckyItemNum].name == "CoinX5")
                if(Random.Range(0,2) != 1)
                    luckyItemNum = 0;
            GameObject itemCreated = Instantiate(items[luckyItemNum].itemObject, myPosition, myRotation);

    public void UpdatePlayerLifeCount(int count)
        playerLifeCountText.text = "x " + count;

    IEnumerator SetPlayerActive()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);

    public void CoinX1Function()
        moneyCount += 1;

    public void CoinX5Function()
        moneyCount += 5;

    public void LifeItemFunction()
        playerControllerScript.playerLifeCount += 1;

    public void TeaItemFunction()
        useTime = 16;
        playerControllerScript.moveSpeed = 7;
        playerControllerScript.moveSpeed = playerOldMoveSpeed;
        Debug.Log("All Done");

    public IEnumerator ItemUseTime()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(useTime);

public class item
    public string name;
    public GameObject itemObject;

The problem is in TeaItemFunction()
When I put ItemUseTime() there it stops working

Any logic you want to run after a coroutine has yielded needs to be inside the coroutine, like this:

public void TeaItemFunction()
    useTime = 16;
    playerControllerScript.moveSpeed = 7;

public IEnumerator ItemUseTime()
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(useTime);
    playerControllerScript.moveSpeed = playerOldMoveSpeed;
    Debug.Log("All Done");