When loading data it show error SerializationException: End of Stream encountered before parsing was completed.
This is my Save script
public static void SaveInventory(GameManager gameManager)
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/inventory.bin";
FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);
Inventory data = new Inventory(gameManager);
formatter.Serialize(stream, data);
public static Inventory LoadInventory()
string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/inventory.bin";
if (File.Exists(path))
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
Inventory data = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as Inventory;
return data;
Debug.LogError("Save file not found in " + path);
return null;
and this is my serialize script
public class Inventory
public List<Item> items;
public Inventory(GameManager gameManager)
items = gameManager.items;
and this is item class
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Item", fileName = "New Item")]
public class Item : ScriptableObject
public string itemName;
public int itemPrice;
public Sprite itemSprite;