When making Windows Store build, icons not found in manifest and icon file size error

I’m trying to make a build for the Windows store. I set up the icon files as suggested in this document:

But I get the following errors from Visual Studio when in the package when building for the Windows Store:

SeverityCodeDescriptionProjectFileLineSuppressionStateErrorApp manifest references the image ‘Assets\StoreLogo.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package.EtherWars C:\Users\Flarb\Desktop\app\Ether Wars\Package.appxmanifest 8

ErrorApp manifest references the image ‘Assets\Square71x71Logo.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package.EtherWars C:\Users\Flarb\Desktop\app\Ether Wars\Package.appxmanifest 19

ErrorApp manifest references the image ‘Assets\Square310x310Logo.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package.EtherWars C:\Users\Flarb\Desktop\app\Ether Wars\Package.appxmanifest 19

ErrorApp manifest references the square 310x310 logo image ‘Assets\Square310x310Logo.scale-100.png’ which is larger than the maximum image file size.It must be no larger than 204800 bytes.EtherWars C:\Users\Flarb\Desktop\app\Ether Wars\Package.appxmanifest 19

I actually fixed the last bug by running the 310x310 icon through PngCrush (shouldn’t Unity be doing this automatically??) But it seems like Unity is building a manifest with the wrong paths for the icon images? These icons are all wired up in the inspector for the player settings–but they are apparently not in the right place in this package?

Anyone else get this error?


Can you please submit a bug report with a min repro project so we can reproduce the issue?

Thank you,

@Unity_Wesley – it’s up, (Case 819539)

Thank you, looking at the bug now.

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@quitebuttery which UWP SDK are you using? This looks like a rather old bug if I recall correctly. Its possibly your on an older SDK. This may even have something to do with the UNET errors you are seeing.

@ScottF how Do I find that out? I’m using whatever is installed when you install the latest Unity for Hololens version. I ripped out the UNET code and it can compile and deploy now, but still won’t build for the store due to missing icon files.

I did update Visual Studio to the latest version, still doesn’t work.



If you go to help → About Microsoft Visual Studio, this will open windows were you will see to version numbers. The one on the left is your current update, and the one on the right is you current SDK.

You can also go to Add or Remove Programs and look at the Windows 10 SDK you have installed there as well.

Thank you,

BTW, I updated NuGet to all the latest packages, moved to a shorter command line, and now I only get two errors:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error App manifest references the image ‘Assets\StoreLogo.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package. Ether Wars C:\U\EW\App\Ether Wars\Package.appxmanifest 8
Error App manifest references the image ‘Assets\Square71x71Logo.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package. Ether Wars C:\U\EW\App\Ether Wars\Package.appxmanifest 19

Ay ideas?

Ok @Unity_Wesley – says

Version 14.0.25425.01 Update 3


Microsoft.NET Framework
Version 4.6.01038

Is this the latest? It doesn’t say I have any updates left to get.

Here’s your problem:

Your icon is too large - it cannot be larger than 200 KB.

@Tautvydas-Zilys I fixed that by using PNGCrush on it (don’t you think Unity should do this automatically) but the other errors still remain. Turns out, Unity is naming the files incorrectly. This fix was posted on the Hololens forums:

Maybe in the latest beta you can take out that .scale part of the filename?