I wanted to develop MMORPG sine 2015 but P2P can’t do this at all for scalability and security issues …etc. I waited a lot of time for solutions from you and finally Unity’s Multiplayer Netcode appeared, I read on Unity blog Navigation Unity Multiplayer Netcode Transition that " it is likely difficult to scale the server much beyond that player count. At 80+ players per session, you’ll either need to become an early adopter of the new DOTS-Netcode and Unity Transport Package (UTP)".
Please I need clear answer when new Netcode can handle MMo’s needs? Is there any planning for this?
I apologies for my humble English.
I wouldn’t expect a network library intended for that number of connections per server anytime soon from Unity. Dotsnet claims to handle those numbers though.
i really hope that unity network solution will support high connections for Mmo’s etc. i would like to use something from the engine it self. for once at least. i been depending in third parties for awhile. and most of them either abandoned or something else so i hope just at least for once that we get good solution for that scale of connections.