I have dice (with rigidbody) and script wich roll and detect dice position. I dont know how detect dice position after rolling. At firs i create variable speed which value is rigidbody velocity.magnitude (i think it detect speed of dice) and according to my plan when dice stoping after rolling in i must see their position in Console. But now when i roll dice i see their position in Console before rolling, not after. I think it because movement start not immediately, after a while. But I’m not sure. How i can resolve my problem?
My script:
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ApplyForceInRandomDirection : MonoBehaviour
public string buttonName = "Fire1";
public float forceAmount = 10.0f;
public float torqueAmount = 10.0f;
public ForceMode forceMode;
public List<Vector3> directions;
public List<int> sideValues;
public double speed;
public Rigidbody rb;
public int diceCount;
void Start ()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
void Update ()
speed = rb.velocity.magnitude;
Debug.Log ("The side world up has value: " + diceCount); // it is here temporarily for testing
void FixedUpdate()
if (Input.GetButtonDown (buttonName))
rb.AddForce(Random.onUnitSphere * forceAmount, forceMode);
rb.AddTorque(Random.onUnitSphere * torqueAmount, forceMode);
if (speed == 0)
if (Vector3.Dot (transform.forward, Vector3.up) > 0.6f)
diceCount = 6;
if (Vector3.Dot (-transform.forward, Vector3.up) > 0.6f)
diceCount = 1;
if (Vector3.Dot (transform.up, Vector3.up) > 0.6f)
diceCount = 2;
if (Vector3.Dot (-transform.up, Vector3.up) > 0.6f)
diceCount = 5;
if (Vector3.Dot (transform.right, Vector3.up) > 0.6f)
diceCount = 3;
if (Vector3.Dot (-transform.right, Vector3.up) > 0.6f)
diceCount = 4;