I’m using UnitySerializer 2.48, downloaded from here. Using JSON deserializer.
As it’s documented on it’s website:
Every script that is loaded can contain an OnDeserialized() function that will be called after the level has been loaded and before it starts to run. This function is exactly like the normal Unity functions and can be private or public as you wish. You would use it to do any final initialization.
From the first line, I interpret that it should be called for every object that has been potentially loaded, however, the code that seems responsible for this is:
internal static void InvokeDeserialized()
_suspensionCount = 0;
if (Deserialized != null)
foreach (var go in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof (GameObject)).Cast<GameObject>())
go.SendMessage("OnDeserialized", null, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
AND, the only call to this method is commented:
//Tell the world that the level has been loaded
So, not a GameObject
is noticed at all.
However, the way I interpret the self-descriptive OnDeserialize name, it makes me think that every deserialized GameObject
(those having a StoreInformation
or derived component) should get an OnDeserialized message sent to each component on it, just after it has been deserialized.
The thing is that currently I only get OnDeserialized messages when an object that has been saved/serialized is not present on the scene when is first loaded. That is, marking a GameObject
on the scene with a StoreInformation
or derived, running the game, saving game state, stop running, delete that GameObject
from scene, running again, and loading previously saved game state.
The code related to this “message broadcasting” is listed here:
//Flag that we aren't deserializing
foreach(var obj in flaggedObjects)
obj.IsDeserializing = false;
obj.SendMessage("OnDeserialized", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
Is the way it’s currently working the proper way? Am I misunderstanding something?
In case it works as it should, how can I get notified when an Object has been deserialized? I want a way to serialize my managers, and want them to be deserialized following a kind of priority, so that my managers get deserialized after each of the other objects I want to de/serialize.