when to use * and when to use " "

im new to scripting in c# with unity. i have come across a few scripts with * * in things like raycast distancing and variables in use. such as
Vector3(horizontalInput * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime)

(movementSpeed being created earlier in the script)

when do i use ** and “” in my own scripts? or are they interchangeable.

  • indicates multiplication.
    “” Is used to denote string literals.

Where did you get the impression they are interchangeable?

  • means multiply. 2*2 = 4
    “” would mean you are creating a string. “Hello World”

ok i see. i got the impression that they were interchangeable because i saw an int being called with **

OK, but int’s would never be used with “” marks.

Could you copy and paste the actual code that had you confused?
