When Updating App

Hi just a General question for future updates to my app. Is it better to update the app by updating scripts or just changing the values in the editor?

I don’t know if either is considered “better”, but it is generally a lot easier if you make values available to be edited in the inspector and just change them there. For parameters that require testing of various values in order to find the right setting you’ll save yourself a lot of time just making these changes quickly in the inspector.

ok situationally with Unity always changing will that effect my own updates? I don’t want to have to rewrite tons of codes, because so many things go obsolete and I hate those many warnings I get now from using assets with obsolete codes. So would it be best to just keep updating your script rather depend on the inspector just to insure smooth transactions? Or just because some codes go obsolete doesn’t mean they won’t work in future unity updates.