When using Addressable, if a connected dependency is changed, all groups associated with the dependency must be downloaded

For example, suppose you have two prefabs preA and preB that share the material mat_new.
preA is in Group1 and preB is in Group2. All groups are set to Pack Together.

In this situation, when mat_new changes, it changes preA and preB, which were referencing it. This creates a situation where you need to download the entirety of Group1 and Group2 with the Pack Togeter setting.

To solve this, I used “Diagnostic tools | Addressables | 1.17.17” and “Tales from the optimization trenches: Saving memory with Addressables” as shown in this article. I used Fixable rules in Analyze to move all the commonly referenced things to the Duplicate Asset Isolation Group.

After applying this, I noticed that when I changed the settings of Group1 and Group2, which were set to Pack Together, to Separately and then changed the mat_new that they were referencing in common, I was not downloading both Group1 and Group2, but only preA and preB, unlike my previous test.

Here are the questions I have.

  1. how to use the Pack Together option and Fixable ruels in Analyze while avoiding situations where a change in a small piece of referenced data requires you to re-receive the entire group.
  2. if #1 is not a workaround due to using the Pack Together option, should I change all Group settings to Separately to prevent small changes from downloading the entire group? Are there any download speed issues or memory issues to expect in this case?