When using visual studio, and saving code outside of unity, it wrecks my projects. Why and how can I fix my old pojects?

Hi, I have a mayjor problem with unity that I keep running into. If I close unity first and then save code in visual studio 2013, it ruins the project every time. I can no longer load the project afterwoods. I can sometimes remove the last script I saved to get unity back open again, but as soon as I get rid of any compiler errors, even with the faulty code removed, it crashes and doesn’t open again. Essentually it ruins projects completely, there useless after that.

Also often unity will not load projects and often locks up on play for no reason. Now all these bugs are game killers, and if there not fixed or something then I will no longer support or use or preach unity, I will find some other software to use that is more stable. Geeze guys even construct is more stable than the versions of unity you’s release.

Not a happy chappy as I’ve lost about 5 semi completed games because of these bugs. And I’ve been developing with unity for years. These bugs just seemed to come out with unity 5 but I could easily be mistaken.

Although many of us can feel with you, this is not the right place for bug reports. You should use the ingame bug report tool (which can also be executed outside the editor, by the way. The exe is right next to Unity.exe).

The best is, to got an easy to reproduce test case and upload this.

Then go to the forum and post a small post including the id number from your ticket (you’ll get an email). This will greatly increase the exposure of your problem. Many devs regulary read the forums and are eager to look into specific issues (your problem probably belongs to “General & Editor” section).

If you want, you can also cite Issue “668506” which is a bug report from me that sounds similar, although it does not crash on startup, but when enter/exiting play mode for a couple of times. This may still be the exact same problem.

Finally, you DID try to reimport the whole library, right? (just delete the Library/ subfolder and start Unity). It will take some time, but seems to fix a lot of “strange bugs” especially on Unity startup…

I do make backups, although I did loose one complete project from my own stupidity when I was trying to fix it the first time it happened. But yeah sorry I wasn’t sure where to post something like this and I’m still admittedly not a pro at using unity or anything else for that matter lol.

I copied a backup over my project and after restarting the comp I was able to load my project again.
Most things I change within unity, cause as you say the metafiles are important for it to work, and It won’t make them outside of unity. My bug was something simple. I close unity and save the code files in vs, and then when I try to open the project, it just locks up. I’m using mono develop again, might be safer since I keep accidently closing unity before saving my code lol. I don’t think sometimes I just do, I’m in a rush to get something completed.