1, Unity document said that NETFX_CORE be activated when building for WP8.1, but I remembered who said the NETFX_CORE only exists under the config of “Use NET Core”, so if config it as “Use NET Core Partially”, the NETFX_CORE will never be used at all?
2, if Q1 is true, what I should to do to wrap my WinRT code is using “#if UNITY_METRO && !UNITY_EDITOR”, right?
NETFX_CORE is defined when C# scripts are compiled using Microsoft C# compiler. It is never defined for UnityScript. Check this for info of when which compiler is used:
so if config it as “Use NET Core Partially”, and my C# scripts are in the “Assets\Plugins” folder then the NETFX_CORE with in the C# scripts will never be used, right?
Correct, those will be compiled using Mono compiler and won’t have that define.