I just stumbled across your post since you flagged your own post / topic as spam… Don’t do that. This site has a learning AI to detect spam and you don’t want to have your posts marked as spam when it’s not. If you want your post / topic deleted, you can simply ask for it to be deleted. Moderators will decide if it’s worth keeping or not.
Now on the topic. I don’t speak arabic, but I can remember we had several questions in the past about R2L languages and I think it actually was mainly arabic. Most UIs and layouts in general have issues with R2L languages. What specific issues do you have? Of course you need a font that actually supports your language. There are plugins on the Assetstore that should help with the R2L stuff. Maybe this one? Also here’s another post about pretty much the same topic. There you would have a better chance to get actual feedback from the staff and get updates on the development. Most moderators here are just users like you and me.