In 2019, Unity’s interface was redesigned to make it more… modern: Unity Blog
I was happy to see the promise of a more user-friendly interface and especially (because we need it) much more ergonomic, but where are these works? Where is this Unity that they wanted to sell me in 2019, with for example this image (which you can find in the article sent above):
Being on Windows 11, I still have this horrible and repulsive white bar against the editor’s dark theme. It no longer matches at all with all the other software (even Unity Hub, where we only launch a project, has been redesigned to have the design it has today, which is more modern and user-friendly), the Unity logo is all beautiful and has evolved a lot, but once in the editor we are left with a repulsive tool.
It keeps a certain charm, it’s true, but having a friend who finished his studies in design, he quickly brought me back to the reality that Unity is far behind Unreal or even Godot in terms of interface and especially ergonomics…
Dare to tell me that the image presented above, although it was only a “concept”, is not 100 times better than the interface we have today?
Doesn’t it make you want it? Well, that’s from 2019!
I agree that this is not the most important thing in a game engine… Pfff YES!
Oh yes, it is the most important thing and that’s even why all other engines or software of all kinds keeps their interface as modern as possible, so why is Unity so behind?
Give me a reason or a demonstration of the progress on a redesign of the interface to make especially new and old users more comfortable in this great game engine that is Unity. please…
I just saw this, a promised interface but not present when we want to install Unity, available on this page : Real-Time 3D Development Platform & Editor| Unity