Something occurred to me the other day.
For the life of me I can not name one single 4X (Explore, Expand, Exploit, and Exterminate (Civ, MoO, MoM)) that is galactic with hard, real life, science.
Games like Master of Orion or Galactic Civilizations always delve into a mixture between Star Wars and Star Trek. Both are fine, but both are firmly a fantasy setting. (Yes, Star Trek is fantasy and not real science).
It’s all good and fun, but I want to know why no one has tried to do a game where all the tech is anchored in reality.
So for starters, no FTL.
I REALLY don’t want to get into it, but let’s just agree with 99% of physicists and say FTL is impossible.
So rather than making all these ships to zip around the galaxy and making contact by moving from location to location, it’s more about exploring from your solar system and leapfrogging around start to star and converting them into mega structures over time.
Things like Dyson Swarms, Dyson Spheres, Ring Worlds, Disc Worlds, Solar star ships, Stellar Cannons, Matrioshka Brains, and ultimately Kugelblitz Cannons.
Real quick, that’s:
Dyson Swarms - A star surrounded by a cloud of solar collecting satallites to gather all the energy.
Dyson Spheres - A solid structure around a star that gathers 100% of its energy.
Ring Worlds and Disc Worlds - Duh.
Solar star ships - A star surrounded by satalites or a structure that allows it to move the entire star by light.
Stellar Cannons - Pointing the energy out of a sun in a direction as a weapon.
Matrioshka Brains - A series of Dyson spears around a sun that converts all energy into computation power.
Ultimately Kugelblitz Cannons - Pointing light from multiple stars at a tiny point to create black holes which would make the ultimate weapon AND allow you to create black holes for power.
Then the technologies developed could be more realistic like instead of “Warp Drives” (which is nonsense, sorry), you have things like space elevators and mass drivers.
Obviously the game would take place over billions of years, due to the limitations of c.
Some other huge tech that would play a part would be:
-Simulated reality
-Immortality through medicine
-Nano technologies
-Self replicating robots
-Grey Goo
-Perfected Genetics
-Augmented intelligence
-Fusion Power
Ultimately I see the game playing out as you start in one star system.
You search your observable area for useful stars.
You looks for other races and can obscure your location to avoid conflict.
Eventually you re-purpose your system for a mega-structure for power/production, research, exploration, or warfare.
And as you explore the galaxy you gobble up star system after star system creating an armada of star systems used as giant star ships.
And at the end conflict become inevitable and you blow each other up.
What do you think?