Where can I download 2.6.1?

Hi everyone, I have unity 2.x pro and I have not had a chance to download 2.6.1, does anyone know where I can download it from?
The only link I can ever find is the one to the newest 3.0 version. I cant afford the high price tag for 3.0 yet and want to ship my current project on 2.x before i upgrade.

It seems like for each version that can be downloaded they should create a version history list in case someone wants to download a older version for checking a bug etc.


Look at the download address and change 3.0.0 to 2.6.1. e.g., the Mac version is at http://download.unity3d.com/download_unity/unity-2.6.1.dmg


that worked great… thanks

It would still be nice to have a version list somewhere. They do something similar for UE3 and its very usefull when tracking down issues.

I am trying with “http://download.unity3d.com/download_unity/unity-2.6.1.exe” for the windows version but it doesn´t work

I doubt that’s the download name for Unity Windows. It’s “SetupUnity” or something. Look at what it is for 3.0.0 and change the appropriate numbers.


or get it here

however i think thats the 2.6.0

maybe this works


Thank you CoatlGames. :slight_smile:
