Can you tell me where can I find a list of nodes and their description?
For example, I want to find a description of a node “blend terrain textures”, I looked here - About Shader Graph | Shader Graph | 17.0.3, but I didn’t find it there.
at the moment I’m interested in all the nodes associated with the terrain …
Perhaps not so helpful, but once upon time, I have seen YT vid, which author went through each of shader graph nodes and was explaining them. Perhaps you may find it, if searching hard enough.
There is no such a node. Are you sure you are on URP?
I guess this is node provided with some asset or package.
unity 2022.2.18 (URP) standart…
As I said it must come from some package. I am 2022.3 and I do not have anything like that.
Maybe open this subgraph and click button “show in project” and it will show you from where it comes.
yes, indeed, these subgraphs lie in the test folder in the project …
ok, can you tell me then - is it possible to make your own graph shader with layers like in the standard lit terrain shader?
I just don’t even know how to do it better, use a standard shader and it has everything and 16 layers, but there is a problem with inclined walls (textures are stretched), make your own triplanar shader … but then what about the layers, and at the junctions there there are also enough problems (standard triplanar node).
Here in the screenshot I show what happens now when using the standard shader, it doesn’t turn out very well, the joints are striking…