Where can I find art/models/assets for my games?
The official Blender Model Repository: http://e2-productions.com/repository/modules/PDdownloads/
Kator Legaz's Blender Models: http://www.katorlegaz.com/3d_models/index.php
ShareCG: http://www.sharecg.com/
OpenGameArt: http://opengameart.org/
I buy a lot of models from Dexsoft Multimedia. They sell assets in bundles and most come with multiple LOD.
They also have first week rebates on new assets. I think they release new bundles twice a month.
Turbosquid.com has some 3D models (both free and paid). Not all are textured and rigged, though.
http://archive3d.net/ is pretty nice as well
Yet some other good websites with free resources:
We have game content packs here at http://www.frogames.net They are compatible with Unity3d.
Check the Collaboration Unity forum - periodically there are posts offering Unity-compatible content packs.
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You can also have a look at www.unitymagic.com Here you will find free and paid stuff, lots of tutorials.
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I bought some 3D models and LOD packs at bunbun.com.au. They're pretty good, uv-mapped and everything, especially, they let you see it in 3D before you buy it. They have one of the formats in .unitypackage so importing to Unity is no problem.
Active Den just opened up a Unity3D Marketplace
I wrote a couple of blog posts on how to use Spore Creatures as models inside of Unity… it’s been a long time but it should still work. Not only do the models come through, but also the texture and the rigging:
Game ready character models for Unity.
Here’s another site: Texturegen Free Textures which features lots of free quality high-res textures to download.
The GameArtiste asset store is open for business: gameartiste.com/store
In the asset store.