Where can I find the full documentation?

Hey all,
sorry if this is a really stupid question but I am brand new to Unity networking and am not sure where I should be looking for documentation.
For example, I’m trying to figure out what I can do with the NetworkBehaviour script type, it seems like there are some useful built-in callbacks etc., but when I search for documentation I find this page: (https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-NetworkBehaviour.html) which notifies me that it is deprecated. I follow the link it offers and after some digging end up here: (NetworkBehaviour spawning and despawning | Unity Multiplayer Networking) which appears to be up-to-date but only offers a brief overview.

Where can I go to find a full list of what properties and methods are available? Is most of the behavior inherited from somewhere else I can’t find?
Thank you!

Your second link is the most up-to-date version of the documentation, which sadly is not very up-to-date at all (for example, the page you specifically link to still says that NetworkStart is called on each NetworkBehaviour, but this has long since been replaced by OnNetworkSpawn). The documentation does offer some very useful information, but is not (yet) complete, and the code is still in active development.

Boss Room offers a lot of code to dig through for examples of how to achieve specific things, and threads on this forum are very helpful as well, but besides that it’s mostly trial and error at this point I’m afraid.

Why was UNet deprecated if this package is still in active development?
I feel like trial and error-ing my way through this package is not the best idea for my first networked game. Is there another networking package you’d recommend?