Where can I find the JDK? (So I can export to Android)

I do not know where I can download the Java Development Kit. Because I need to export to Android.

Português: Não sei onde posso baixar o Java Development Kit. Porque eu preciso exportar para o Android.

Thank you.
Muito Obrigado

Have you tried using Unity Hub? You should be able to find Android build support and tools from there.

(Google translated to Portuguese)
Você já tentou usar o Unity Hub? Você deve encontrar o suporte e as ferramentas de compilação do Android a partir daí.

The thing is your link says I have to install Unity Editor via the Hub. (which I haven’t ever because it took too long) Since if I use the Hub to install Unity Editor it will take too long. Actually, it takes too long, but I let it keep going, then it just STOPS downloading. Soooo i cant do that