Where can I get the third person starter kit that contains the playground scene

I need to get the third person starter kit that contains the playground scene.
All the stater kits I have found in the Asset Store don’t have it.

https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/starter-assets-character-controllers-urp-267961 :blush:

I am sorry to say that that package does not contain the playground scene object.
The scene object just needs to be selected via the scene selection.
If the object called playground is not a scene object it will not be selectable.
Thank you for the hint.

The Playground scene object should be included in that package. You can search “Playground” in your asset search bar to find the specific scene object. If not, could you show me a screenshot of your asset library?

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Actually there is no scene for it, it does imply there is however, it didnt take much digging

Open a new scene drop this prefab in.

You are correct. Its a bit confusing for me.
The list in the assets shows
ThirdPersonController and Playground.
That Playground is a container in which THE Playground object exists together with its supporting objects.
Dragging THE Playgound object from the Playground container into the Hierarchy creates a scene and displays in the scene window correctly.

Thank you for helping me get over my confusion.

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